
Bash Prompt Interpreter

if (BashIsBashingYou) {
	return "Sorry to hear that. Here's a tool to make you feel better!"
else if (2020IsBashingYou) {
	return "Take a look at this tool anyway, at least for the doodles!"
else {
	return "Hmmm. I sense an alien among us ..."

What does this app do?

Jokes aside, this tool is designed to make it a bit easier for you to test out values of prompts in bash, without having to set them as your prompt.

Why can this be a problem? If you screw up your prompt enough, the terminal can become unusable, so you'll have to open up a new session and try again. This stopping and starting can get really frustrating when you're testing different prompts out.

Enter in any values you want in the "Optional parameters" section and the value of the prompt you'd like to test out, and you should get your result!

How can I use this tool?

Here are a few different sample inputs and outputs to try!

Input: \[\e[1;32m\]KR$ \[\e[m\]
Output: KR$

Input: \u@\w, with username and working directory in placeholder
Output: sam@~/toad

Input: \[\e[1;34m\]\H \T$ \[\e[m\], with hostname in placeholder
Output: potato.toad 10:48:24$

Useful things to keep in mind:

Optional parameters

Enter the hostname:

Enter # of jobs currently managed by shell:

Enter the terminal device name:

Enter the name of the shell:

Enter the username:

Bash version #:

Bash release #:

Working directory:

History # of the command:

Command # of the command:

How would you like the bell character to be represented? String Audio


Value of the prompt (requisite):




Take a look at the the official manual!

The bell character is not a printed character; it is often interpreted as a sound instead. In this app, you can choose how you want it to be represented, as either a string (BEL), or as a sound.